The traditional view of the British backbench MP is as
something of a miserable creature. A strong party system ensures that party
leadership is dominant. The role of MPs is to march loyally through the
division lobbies, supporting their government’s legislative programme (or
opposing it in less fortuitous times). If this is done with flair and
competency, they may be lucky enough to find themselves sitting on the front
This view has been subject to revision recently. The House
of Commons, and Parliament as a whole, is having something of a renaissance
with respect to its power vis a vis the
government. Under the Blair government, the Select Committee on the
Modernisation of the House of Commons advocated a number of reforms, later
adopted, that have put power in the hands of backbenchers. These include the introduction
Public Bills Committees, with the power to take oral and written evidence, to
replace Standing Committees; the introduction of systematic programming for
government bills as an alternative to the use of guillotines; and salaries for
Select Committee Chairs, offering an alternate career path to Government
office. The recommendations of the Wright Committee, set up in the wake of the
expenses scandal, have further empowered backbench MPs. Firstly, in June 2010
Select Committee Chairs were elected by secret ballot of the House of Commons
for the first time, while members of the committees were elected through
internal ballots of the parties, thus removing Select Committee membership and
chairmanship from the hands of the whips. Secondly, the introduction of the
Backbench Business Committee has given backbenchers more control over
Parliamentary time, allowing issues to be debated that would not have been
debated if the two frontbenches had their way, such as the EU Referendum debate
of October 2011. Thus, the story of the last fifteen years has been one of an
enhanced role for the backbench MP.
I have painted two conceptions of the role of an MP. The
first is as mere lobby fodder, desperately grasping at the lower rungs of the
ministerial ladder. The second is as a more independent minded and autonomous creature,
empowered by a decade and a half of reforms to the House of Commons. By and
large, it is for each MP themselves to decide what role they will stake out for
themselves, depending on their own career aspirations and prospects. However,
the advent of the Coalition partly shapes this choice, making Conservative MPs
less likely to take the path of dutiful obedience.
The single most important reason for this is that coalition
government inevitably results in greatly diminished powers of patronage for the
party leadership. MPs are willing to march through the division lobbies so long
as the prospect of ministerial advancement is a live possibility. But under the
auspices of coalition a significant portion of ministerial posts must go to the
junior coalition partner. Further, as Nick Clegg’s agreement is required for
changes in many posts, government reshuffles will be less frequent. Thus the
loyalty of Conservative MPs is less likely to be rewarded with ministerial
office. With the increasingly fleeting prospect of government office as the
Parliament progresses, those very capable MPs who might have found themselves
in a frontbench role in a single party government are likely to try to acquire
status in other ways. Be that speaking out on Select Committees like Andrew
Tyrie, or organising rebellions as Jesse Norman did on Lords reform.
We live in an age in which Parliament is reasserting itself.
Reforms to the House of Commons have empowered MPs; disaffection with the
mainstream political parties means that idiosyncratic politicians are more
likely to be looked upon favourably by the public; and the increasing
importance of social media has rendered the command and control communications
characteristic of the Blair-Campbell years impossible. The formation of the
Coalition has conspired with these factors to create a Conservative backbench
more autonomous, more outspoken, and, of course, more rebellious than ever